The Exhibition Hall
Exhibition Hall is located at the Basement of the main Building.
It displays charts explaing the various aspects of Sahaja Yoga
: Medical , Scientific, Agricultural, Education and the Chakras.
On 29th March 1985 Shailputri Puja (puja to the Daughter of Himalaya)
was held in this Hall. After the puja as Shri Mataji was returning
towards her cottage she saw vibrations cascading down the Dhauladhar
Range. She graciously bestowed vision to the yogis to see the
vibrations which appeared like luminous inverted comas. She revealed
the Himalayas is her father and his vibrations cleanse the whole
universe. Talnoo is the back agnya in the Sahasrara.
Symbolically she gifted a shawl woven by her father when he was
put in jail by the British. (The shawl is displayed in the throne
room along with the sarees she wore at the puja ).
Video & Book Library
A Complete collection of DVD and Sahaja Yoga books are kept
in the library for the benefit of guests.
Meditation Hall
Meditation Hall is open to public daily for realization. Sahaja
Yogis staying in the Ashram introduce Sahaja Yoga to tourists
visiting the Ashram. During the summer season over a 100 tourists
receive realization at the ashram receives each day.
En route to Talnoo
the road forked to the Ashram shri Mataji was drawn by the vibrations
to a spot where there was a stone slab. She revealed that Durvasa
Rishi had come from Maharashtra to cool his right side and he
had performed tapsays on this shila (Stone Slab) and that is why
this city was named Dharamshila but the British pronounced it
as Dharamsala. She designed a temple to be built on this spot.
(The Temple was finished the following year).